
互联网上有数百个独立的奖学金搜索引擎 of them are more reliable and legitimate than others. 学生不应该这么做 支付奖学金搜索或申请奖学金的费用,尽管他们可能必须这样做 用电子邮件地址“注册”. Here are a few reputable search engines and a brief 专业描述. USA does not endorse or certify the legitimacy of any search engine listed on this page.


AffordableColleges.com provides an extensive listing of scholarships exclusively for 少数民族学生. This listing includes a detailed list of scholarships outlining the eligibility requirements, deadlines, and information on how to apply.

为女性寻找经济援助和最好的奖学金 容易,BestColleges.com has compiled a master listing of scholarships offered to women. Through public funding, private donors, special programs, and organizational 赞助,学院和大学能够提供越来越多的资金 每年对妇女的援助. These scholarships for women not only minimize the burden 债务,但他们也为接受者提供了赢得工作的荣誉和平静 mind.

Black Excel
对于代表性不足的学生(有色人种学生、女性学生、第一代学生)来说,这是一个很好的资源 大学生)和200多个奖学金名单,提供各种机会. This site does 不需要注册.

BSNedu.Org的创建是为了满足对预许可和预许可信息日益增长的需求 护理学学士学位课程和执照后rn到bsn的桥梁课程. 

College Answer
College Answer is a great resource for understanding how to fund college. It offers 学生和家长的资源,完成了一个伟大的奖学金数据库. This 网站需要注册

College Board
大学理事会(管理PSAT, SAT和AP考试的同一家公司)有 一个伟大的数据库,允许学生输入的细节为量身定制的搜索为基础 on gender, location, interests, and affiliations. This site does 不需要注册.

我们大大简化了您的残疾学生的奖学金申请过程 通过创建一个易于使用和不断更新的残疾奖学金目录.

教育规划师帮助学生从考虑大学到选择大学, 找到支付大学学费的方法. This complete resource has listings for both undergraduate 和研究生,并使用各种过滤器来寻找适合的奖学金 每个学生单独. This site does 不需要注册.

顾问提供有关FAFSA完成,学生就业,学生 loans, as well as applying for scholarships, fellowships, and grants. This site does 不需要注册.

它是美国最大、最知名的奖学金搜索引擎之一, FastWeb提供十大玩彩信誉平台如何申请奖学金、完成FASFA和搜索的建议 for scholarships for all types of students. 本网站需要注册.

FinAid Search
FinAid was established in the fall of 1994 as a public service. 这个获奖 网站已经发展成为最全面的学生经济援助信息来源, advice and tools -- on or off the web. Access to FinAid is free for all users.

经济援助查找者的管理团队一直在提供一流的金融服务 1993年以来的援助资源. A few years ago, they decided to bring these resources to 公众免费. 经济援助查找者 believes that in today’s economic market 学生们需要在寻找和评估大学财务方面得到一切帮助 aid options to help them pay for their college and university education.

Institute of International Education (IIE)
IIE管理着200多个项目,参与者来自185多个国家. 仅去年一年,就有超过27,000人参加了IIE管理的项目. Use our program finder to explore opportunities.
International Financial Aid and College Scholarship Search
IEFA是经济援助,大学奖学金和助学金信息的首要资源 for US and international students wishing to study abroad. 在这个网站,你会 找到最全面的大学奖学金搜索和助学金列表加上国际 student loan programs and other information to promote study abroad. 

国际奖学金搜索是最重要的经济援助,大学奖学金 and international scholarship resource for students wishing to study abroad. At this 网站,你会发现最全面的助学金,奖学金,贷款项目, 和其他信息,以协助高校学生在他们的追求 study abroad.

国际学生组织帮助想要学习的国际学生 在美国,想要出国留学的美国学生,以及任何对十大玩彩信誉平台感兴趣的人 education.

MoneyGeeks是拥有数十年写作经验的个人理财达人 并发布个人应该如何管理资金和信贷的信息. What 驱使他们的是一种信念,即消费者可以做出明智的理财决定,但他们没有这样做 have the time to become a mini-expert in finance.

50年来,彼得森公司提供最准确、可靠、高质量的产品 学校列表,奖学金列表,招生资源,考试准备和职业 success resources to help students and professionals reach their goals. Peterson's scholarship search will help you find the perfect scholarship.

Scholarships.Com以一种易于使用的格式提供了几种奖学金 are ranked based on a personal profile. 本网站需要注册.

ScholarshipExperts.com has been helping students finance their education since 2001. 他们广泛的数据库定期更新,并为本科生提供信息 还有研究生. 学术专家 also has timelines and general information 十大玩彩信誉平台申请大学. 本网站需要注册.

Scholarshipsandgrants.us is a great resource for students looking for additional scholarship money. This resource has an easy to use layout that divides scholarships into majors and interests. This site does 不需要注册.

State of Alabama Financial Aid Programs
阿拉巴马州鼓励所有学生完成免费申请 Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. 此申请程序将 确定你是否有资格获得联邦学生援助计划,比如佩尔助学金, 联邦补充机会补助金(FSEOG),大学勤工俭学和学生贷款 as well as notify the institution of your choice of your eligibility. 在完成 of the FAFSA, available state-aid programs can be found here.

StudentScholarships.org has been providing scholarship information to students and scholarship management services to companies since 2003. 奖学金数据库 for students was built by the StudentScholarships.组织员工发现新的和令人兴奋的 scholarships for students to apply for. The database is considered the largest and 最全面的在线奖学金来源,对学生100%免费 to use.

拥有最大的在线奖学金数据库和快速奖学金 匹配工具,StudentScholarshipSearch帮助学生找到奖学金 与他们的背景、学习领域、运动、技能、兴趣、成就最相关的, 或者其他属性.

The National Data Base of Scholarships
国家奖学金数据库提供各种各样的奖学金 从申请人的专业,宗教信仰,居住地,少数民族身份,体育活动, and more.