
Student appeals of terminated scholarships or aid are reviewed by the 学者hip and Aid Appeal Committee (“Committee”), comprised of campus faculty and professionals within the university areas of Financial Affairs and Administration, Student Affairs, 教务处和医学院. 委员会将审查以下方面的呼吁 determine if extenuating circumstances prevented the appealing student (“Student”) 不符合奖学金或经济援助标准.

Committee members are aware of the rigors of university studies, and strive to review appeals for those students (“学生”) who, up until the extenuating event, demonstrated 致力于学校的学术成就. 提交完整的申诉材料 不能保证上诉成功吗.



The 学者hip and Aid Appeals Committee (“Committee”) reviews documented evidence of extenuating circumstance that may have impacted the Student’s academic performance or ability to satisfy the conditions set forth in his/her scholarship or aid agreement (“协议”). 情有可原的情况被认为是过去的事件 对学业进步构成障碍.


  • 直系亲属死亡的;

  • Significant trauma in student's life that impaired the Student's ability to meet the 协议条件;

  • Serious illness or injury to the Student* or immediate family member (parent, spouse, sibling, child) that required extended recovery time or, in the case of the family 成员,需要广泛的帮助或其他困难的学生;

  • 其他意外的、可记录的、超出学生控制范围的情况. 

Note: Circumstances related to the typical adjustment to college life such as working while attending school, financial issues related to paying bills or car maintenance/travel 对校园的伤害不被视为减罪,以上诉终止 奖学金/援助. 请愿书还必须支持学生目前的处境 在学业上取得成功.  


  • 学生个人陈述 说明是什么原因导致了奖学金/援助的损失,以及是什么改变了这一点 下个学期后是否能让学生达到标准. (注:无资料 十大玩彩信誉平台特殊疾病或医疗状况应提交的除外 information related to how it/they contributed to the Student’s inability to satisfy 奖学金/援助的要求.)

  • 支持文档 to include any information, such as transcripts, evaluations, or letters from professionals, 学生觉得这一诉求很重要.  (注:没有具体的信息 illnesses or medical conditions should be submitted except for information related 说明它/他们是如何导致学生无法满足要求的 奖学金/助学金.)

  • 由学生所在部门或指导老师出具的信函,说明学生取得的进展 the Student towards a degree, the number of credit hours and specific courses needed 完成学位,并预计毕业日期.

Please note misrepresenting or furnishing false information to the University is a 直接违反《十大玩彩信誉平台》的. 

*Appeals relating to illness or injury of the Student should be reported to the Center 教育无障碍 & 供初步审查和批准的残疾资源. 奖学金申诉委员会不能接受医疗文件.

  • The scheduled Committee meetings will take place at least once per Fall and Spring 每学年的学期. 奖学金上诉小组委员会(“小组委员会”), a subcommittee of the Committee appointed by the chair of the Committee (“Chair”), will meet as requested by the Chair to review the appeal materials submitted to the Committee to determine if the materials are complete and meet the requirements for 上诉程序,并向主席报告. 委员会的其他会议 可由主席根据需要安排.

  • 学生 will complete and submit the 学者hip and 金融援助 Appeal Form and supporting documentation to the 奖学金服务办公室 within 10 business days from receipt of the written notice of the termination of his/her scholarship/aid. Incomplete appeal form/documentation will not be forwarded to or reviewed by the Committee

  • If a formal appeal hearing has been granted, the Chair (or designee) will communicate with the student making the appeal (“Student”) and the department from which aid or 资金来源(“部门”),以书面形式,上诉程序的时间表.

  • Prior to the Committee hearing, all supporting documentation will be available for 由学生和院系共同审阅. 将安排单独的会议 to both the Student and the 部门, to review key documents pertaining to the 上诉,以及将在上诉听证会上提出的问题. 这些会议必须 be scheduled with the Office of the Dean of 学生 and must be done no less than 上诉开庭前五个工作日. 学生和院系都会 receive no less than 10 working days’ notice before an appeal hearing is scheduled.

  • The hearing shall be closed to everyone except the Committee, the Student, and the 部门代表. 不允许有其他证人.

  • 学生 and the 部门 are responsible for presenting their own information -顾问不得出席聆讯. 有没有证据支持 parties would like to have 提出了 must be submitted as supporting documentation 附上诉表正本.

  • The 部门 will be provided 10 minutes to present information pertinent to the 终止,或对所提供的任何文件作出回应. 在此期间,委员会 是否可以询问有关终止合同的问题. 学生 不允许在部门演示期间进入房间.

  • 学生 will be provided 10 minutes to present his/her, and answer any questions needed for clarification of information 提出了 as part of his/her appeal documentation. 在学生做报告期间,系里不允许进入教室.

  • For 学生 or 部门 that are unable to meet in person (online students that (目前不在居住地),另一种形式的同步通信可能是 经主席批准. 所有学生都应该参加(在线或线下) (如委员会认为有需要,可亲自出席聆讯).


  • The Committee will review all formal documentation and take time to discuss the information 提出了. 委员会可能认为有必要同任何一方采取后续行动,例如 additional clarifications after such deliberation prior to making a final decision.

  • 委员会的决定将以书面形式传达给学生和学生 在上诉聆讯后的10个工作天内,向本署提出上诉.

  • 委员会作出并经主席批准的所有决定均为最终决定.

  • 所有文件将由奖学金服务办公室保管.  

A copy of all appeal and supporting documentation, as well as the final written determination, 将提供给教务处.



The terms “notify in writing” mean email communication will be sent to the Student’s official University email and to the email on record of the representative for the 部门.

Additional Committee or Subcommittee meetings 可由主席根据需要安排.

The decision of the Committee is final, and no exceptions can be made for requests 违反了联邦和州有关财政援助的规定.