Myths and 真理s about Counseling

神话1: If I go to UCWC, my family, professors, and future employers will find out.

真理: All services received at UCWC are completely private and confidential.

神话2: UCWC only sees students with health insurance or who can afford it.

真理: All services received at the UCWC are completely free and no health insurance or 钱是必需的.

神话3: Only crazy or sick people go to the UCWC.

真理: All students can benefit from the services provided by the UCWC regardless of the 症状的严重程度.

神话4: My problems aren’t bad enough, others have it worse off than me.

真理: Any problem or struggle in life can lead to significant academic and personal consequences if not attended to, so there is no problem “too small” to consider working on at the UCWC.

神话5: If I go to the UCWC, it is a sign of failure.

真理: Beginning counseling is a sign of a commitment to your own growth and success in life, it is a way of maximizing your potential in life.

神话6: If I go to the UCWC and don’t like it, I will be forced to continue.

真理: No student is ever required to attend counseling sessions, and you can discontinue 随时咨询.