

Schedule a Zoom Meeting with Amia Baker, the MCOB Library Director and Business Librarian, to find out how to research a business topic or class assignment. 缩放允许音频 and video communication, as well as screen sharing, making it easy to follow along. 联系 amiabaker@squirreltrapping.net or 251-460-7998 to schedule a meeting.


Activate a chat session by clicking the image below. Chat sessions start off with Marx Library staff, but you can ask to be transferred to the Business Librarian.
需要更多帮助? 点击这里


Call us at (251) 414-8067



访问 us at the front desk of the MCOB Library, inside the Mitchell Learning Resource Center. We are located at 5811 USA Drive 南, Room 240. You can also make an appointment for a more in-depth research session by emailing amiabaker@squirreltrapping.net or calling 251-460-7998.