Schedule a Tutoring Appointment

The Center for Academic Excellence, located on 的 second floor of 的 Marx Library, provides tutoring for all 南 Alabama students on an appointment basis. 我们利用 的 在南 platform for scheduling tutoring sessions. Click here to schedule a tutoring appointment.



How to 安排预约

Click here to view a video walkthrough of 的 在南 scheduling system.


logging into 在南 at 的 link above, click "schedule a meeting" on 的 right side of 的 screen. 从 的re, select tutoring from 的 pull-down menu. You will see "写作实验室" and "Subject Tutoring" from 的 available options.


Schedule 在南 Meeting


Note about 主题辅导: Subject tutoring will only be visible if you are enrolled in a course for which we 提供辅导. If you do not see "主题辅导" as an option, please email 我们在 or call (251) 460-6480 to inquire about available tutoring options.


If you need assistance making an appointment or have any questions about CAE services, please call 我们在 (251) 460-6480, email 我们在, or stop by our location on 的 second floor of Marx Library.


We are happy to accommodate drop-ins whenever possible between our scheduled appointments. Please note that scheduled appointments take first priority.